Position | Name | Weight | Symbol |
1 | Hydrogen | 1.0079 | H |
2 | Helium | 4.0026 | He |
3 | Lithium | 6.941 | Li |
4 | Beryllium | 9.0122 | Be |
5 | Boron | 10.811 | B |
Alternative UI
Display an alternative interface using the alternative
1 - 31 of 2
Handling Total Count
If your source data is pre-truncated (ex: server-side pagination). Make sure to specify the total item count
// Mock Server Responsepagination: { "page": 1, "limit": 2, "pages": 1, "total": 1, // <---- "next": null, "prev": null}
<Pagination count={pagination.total} ... />
API Reference
Property | Type | Description |
data * | unknown[] | |
alternative | boolean | |
textSeparator | string | |
showFirstLastButtons | boolean | |
titleFirst | string | |
titlePrevious | string | |
titleNumeral | string | |
titleNext | string | |
titleLast | string | |
base | string | |
background | string | |
border | string | |
gap | string | |
padding | string | |
rounded | string | |
classes | string | |
buttonBase | string | |
buttonActive | string | |
buttonInactive | string | |
buttonHover | string | |
buttonClasses | string | |
labelFirst | ReactNode | |
labelPrevious | ReactNode | |
labelEllipsis | ReactNode | |
labelNext | ReactNode | |
labelLast | ReactNode | |
ids | Partial<{ root: string; ellipsis(index: number): string; prevTrigger: string; nextTrigger: string; item(page: number): string; }> | |
translations | IntlTranslations | |
count | number | |
pageSize | number | |
defaultPageSize | number | |
siblingCount | number | |
page | number | |
defaultPage | number | |
onPageChange | (details: PageChangeDetails) => void | |
onPageSizeChange | (details: PageSizeChangeDetails) => void | |
type | "button" | "link" | |
dir | "ltr" | "rtl" | |
getRootNode | () => ShadowRoot | Node | Document | |